Here is the source:
Yes, I know, it is terribly written code, but give me a break, I have been learning for less than a day :P
And, in case you do not have ChucK installed, here is an .ogg file recorded directly from ChucK, with no post-processing or edits:
There are five main ugens being utilized here: 3 Kaplus-Strong string synths, a pure Sine bass, and a low Sawtooth wave with a short release and a resonant low pass filter. Harmonics are where the pitches are generated, there is no midi or western pitches utilized here. It is called "kilobeat" because there are exactly 1024 beats in the entire piece. It generates sound for several minutes, and then ends with a droning sine wave, though technically, it is not ended but instead halted for a one week (!) period of time. So, if you are VERY patient, then there are more than 1024 beats ;)
The piece runs through many time signatures, with bizarre "swings" not possible for a human to play in time, as far as I know... Maybe Mike Patton could do it? :P
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