I am really happy with the results of this session, some of these patterns are just amazing!
The pictures you are about to see have been enlarged to show detail, so you don't have to zoom in like you did last time. Your welcome :)
I started with this simple .bmp file of a blank canvas:
Not too interesting, eh? You probably can't even see it, given how the site itself is already white :s
Anyways, I then began to experiment. I replaced the content of this blank file with whatever other information I fancied, and the resulting image files show the large variety of different images that can be created with this method.
For my first experiment, I generated a VERY low frequency saw wave (2 hertz):
I then generated a low frequency (though not quite as low!) square wave, non-interpolated:
The waveforms were looking very beautiful, but I wanted to see what other possibilities there were. I visualized a flac file, the King Crimson song "Moonchild":
The space at the bottom is, from what I can tell, the place where the file stops, leaving a bit left before it can loop around. Not quite sure though, to be honest!
I then chose a wav file of the world famous beat, the Amen Break (the bmp for this file seemed to be broken, so I had to re-upload it as a png):
And, finally, I visualized my first non-audio example: The first chapter of the classic novel, Moby Dick:
I hope you enjoyed these experiments, let me know what you think in the comments!
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