Sunday, February 13, 2011

Gridbug: Patterns In Bitwise Operations

Bitwise operations can often make very beautiful patterns, given the regular rules that dictate how the operation in question works. So, I thought performing these operations on a bmp file that has a regular pattern might produce some interesting results. Click the following images to see the resulting patterns in full-resolution, 1000x1000 pixel glory (you might wanna zoom in to see those fine details!) :)

Source Grid

Gridbug 00000001

Gridbug 00000010

Gridbug 00000011

Gridbug 00000100

Gridbug 00000101

I really liked the results of this short experiment, and I think I may continue this Gridbug project later, with a variety of different grids, picture formats, operations, etc. Hey, I like the sound of that: "Project Gridbug"! Who knows :)

EDIT: Grr, looks like Blogger has a thing for turning my shiny uploaded bmp images into crappy lossy jpgs! That sucks! I will try uploading them elsewhere, so you can actually SEE the patterns.

EDIT2: Ok, here are the bmp versions, which should be much better (same order as before, including source): Bug Bug Bug Bug Bug

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