Sunday, February 13, 2011

Feedback Loop (Now with INPUT!)

Just did a neat variation on the feedback loop I was using earlier, adding a bit of actual INPUT to the loop, and then working with the resulting noise loop, trying out different ideas while avoiding having it blow up in my face: Fun!

The Jack patch, for those interested, since these things are getting a bit complicated (and will only get more complicated!) I have put it in a neat diagram form (yay, diagrams for stupid people!):

Hopefully that helps :)

As you may have noticed from the diagram, the input that I chose to use for this experiment was, in fact, the infectiously catchy theme song to the TV show "Duck Tales". Download it here:


EDIT: I forgot to mention this in the diagram, but the effects used are a volume control, a bandpass filter, and a reverb. Simple, but it is awesome how much variation can come from just making teeny adjustments to these controls :)

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